Boom or Bust
When I set up my bra business I had no idea just how many women out there were wearing the wrong size bra, were bored with their bra collection, or had just fallen out of love with lingerie. Wearing an uncomfortable, ill-fitting bra is like having a bra bad hair day! It doesn't matter what you do or what you wear, you still feel rubbish.
Taking the Plunge
I know how hard it can be to fall in love with your bras; sometimes they just don't feel comfortable, or they do nothing for your natural shape; at other times you are faced with a range of sizes, colours, and styles but still can't find anything to fit you perfectly.
It all started when I was asked to fix a bra by a lady who knew of my reputation as a good seamstress. I thought, why not? And so, with knowledge of bra fitting from a family member, a creative personality, and a passion for making stylish things, Sue de Souza Bras was born.
I took the plunge (excuse the pun), signed up for a bra-making course and the rest is history. With The Bra Maker's Manual by my side and my love of reimagining, recreating, and recycling, the three fabulous parts of my business sprang into life one after the other.
The 'half cup'
As my Bra Repair service continued to grow, it wasn't long before women were sending me their bras from all over the country to fix. Some were beyond repair, others just needed a few tweaks here and there to give them a reprieve.
For those women whose bra was doomed to the recycle bin, saying goodbye was hard. Often the style and colour had been discontinued. So I came up with a solution - I would offer a Bra Cloning service. I was halfway there to offering a full bra service.
The 'full cup'
A full offering was what was needed.
Not long after that, I was approached to make a bespoke, custom-made bra, another (uplifting) moment for my business. The client wanted something handmade, custom-designed, and luxurious without having to unravel the terminology, changing room challenges, and humdrum of the high street. By taking an exact mold, I could create a bra as if creating a second skin. The design was well and truly her own and it fitted her like a dream! That's when I knew I could cater to every size, shape, and specification. My Bespoke Bras service was launched.
So, having taken the 'plunge', and not being a 'cup' half empty kind of person, I am proud to offer a full service to my clients to make their bras 'stand out from the rest, (and as you can see, I have fun in the process!)